Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Short Comment on War and Politics

Nearly two centuries ago, famed military historian Carl von Clausewitz changed the way modern society thinks about and deals with warfare.  He wrote:

“War is a continuation of politics with other means.”

That paradigm has been turned on its head by American politicians.  Our heritage and Constitution encourage representatives to debate, compromise, and cooperate for the common good.  Yet today’s politicians have allowed debate to decay into spiteful rhetoric and slander.  Compromise is portrayed as weakness or worse yet, betrayal.  Cooperation has been forgotten in the absolute existential need to crush the opposition at all costs.  Sacrifice of funds, ethics, or even rationality is acceptable, even encouraged, in the fight to exterminate the enemy – an enemy which is found and fought not on a battlefield but in halls of governance, in the media, and in the minds of the people.

In other words, according to Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, and Trump (and their forbearers Alinsky, Gingrich, and Limbaugh):

“Politics is a continuation of war with other means.”

Stay rational,
