Sunday, February 27, 2011

Caption Contest - The Signpost

Here's another one of those pictures worth a thousand words...  Except this time I keep thinking up slogans and captions and funny (or maybe profound) things to write alongside this image.  So I decided to make it a contest.

Just submit your ideas via the comments.  Winner will have his or her caption posted, and will have the option of (1) public recognition for extreme creativity, (2) continuing anonymity with the satisfaction of knowing you were more creative than all the other readers of Gryphem, or (3) a cash prize of $3.45 (the amount of money in my pockets right now) to be claimed in person at Gryphem headquarters in Virginia or via mail (please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope).  Now the picture:

What do you think?


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Some arrived via the comments section and some came via email, but they arrived.  And now for the captions you've all been waiting for!
The caption contest entries included two great captions that go great together.  That is why, in a fit of extraordinary generosity, Gryphem has agreed to present both comments on the website, and also to award a financial prize of $3.45 to each of the winning contestants.
And the winners are...

"Are you sure Uncle Ralph
invited us this weekend?"

"Make a U-turn, go home, get in bed,
and start the day over again."
(The Orrs)

Thanks to everyone who played.


1 comment:

  1. It should read "Make a U-turn, go home, get in bed, and start the day over again."


Everyone with something to say is welcome to post comments on Gryphem. Keep it positive if you can. Keep it clean and respectful always.