Friday, July 15, 2011

Defending Religious Freedom Against Angry Aggressive Atheists

I do not understand why there continue to be all these endless twisted attempts by radical atheists to harass and ultimately silence persons of faith.  I can’t comprehend their desperate need to deny freedom of religion to honest people who believe.  I don’t know why they intentionally misconstrue and misapply the first amendment to the Constitution - the one that prohibits our government from deciding for us what we must believe.  I am astonished by the disinformation they spread, the constantly-repeated lie that religion has been responsible for creating nearly every problem in the history of the world.  The reason they always fill the comments section of every online religious site with spite and ridicule is beyond me.  I do not know why they want to hurt and offend with their talk about sky fairies and imaginary friends.  I can’t wrap my mind around why they hate and despise people like me.  I do not hate them, but that doesn't seem to matter.  They hate me, just like they hate everyone who believes in anything other than their big doctrine of nothingness.
In the news yesterday morning was yet another story about a group of atheists using the courts to attempt to deny freedom of religion to others.  This time the conflict centers on a “Day of Prayer” in the state of Texas.  The Governor proclaimed the Day of Prayer, helped organize a related event, and plans to take part in a rally on that date.  The legal complaint alleges that the entire event is unconstitutional and that the Governor’s participation violates the First Amendment. 

I wonder if these same atheists would claim that the Governor’s church attendance is a violation of the First Amendment.  I wonder if they would try to make atheism a prerequisite to holding public office.  I think they would if they thought they could make it stick.  They probably will try that will someday.
  “I really wish that it was feasible to start another society. We'd be
  a society of all atheists, and anyone found to be practicing religion
  would not be jailed or killed, but rather simply deported.”

  Bagpiper2005, atheist blogger

The name of this particular atheist group is revealing.  The atheist group bringing the lawsuit is the “Freedom From Religion Foundation.”  Notice the preposition.  It is “from,” not “of.”   This group does not believe in freedom of religion.  They do not want to keep the government out of religious matters.  On the contrary, they seek to use the power of the government to enforce atheism. 
I have two things I would like to say to the aggressive atheists.  One is a legal point, and the other is a historical observation.  Both are factual.  Both are logical.
First, the legal observation.  The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” 
Atheists love to quote the first part of the amendment, in which Congress is prohibited from establishing a state religion.  You’ll notice though, if you pay attention, that they never read the latter part of the phrase.  Look at it again. It states that Congress shall not prohibit the free exercise of religion.  It does not endorse atheism, it endorses the free exercise of religion.  The First Amendment is not opposed to religion at all.  The First Amendment is all about freedom of belief.  The First Amendment  actually protects us from state-approved atheism. 

“Atheism discredits condemnation and condemnation discredits atheism.”
Note to Atheists:  The First Amendment says you can’t prevent us from believing and practicing our religion, any more than we can prevent you from affirming your atheism.
Secondly, the historical observation.  It is true that human history is filled with oppression of one group by another.  Sometimes the oppressors have been defined by nationality, sometimes by ethnicity, sometimes by belief systems.  Those belief systems that have been the source of oppression have included religious groups as well as atheistic groups, such as Communists.  The one who blames all oppression on religion is either ignorant of historical reality or simply dishonest. 
Then what is the common characteristic of oppressors throughout history?  If it’s not religion, then what is it that encourages them to harm, restrict, condemn, ridicule, terrorize, squelch, and kill their fellow human beings?  What do Klansmen, Crusaders, Stalinists, proponents of ethnic cleansing and genocide, fascists, the Khmer Rouge, Nazis, and the Taliban have in common?  One word: Intolerance.
Note to Atheists:  Religion doesn’t kill people.  Intolerance kills people.  It isn’t any particular set of beliefs about the supernatural that cause problems.  No, problems arise when one person or group attempts to impose their beliefs or practices on another person or group.  Kind of like you want to impose your ethos of atheism on those of us who believe in a God of Love.
A word to Atheists of good conscience.  I know there are a few of you who choose not to believe in God and yet support the principle of religious freedom.  I respect your right to believe as you choose.  I will not ridicule you.  I expect you and your fellow atheists to respect my rights and beliefs.  Please speak out in favor of personal freedom and in opposition to intolerance, especially when you find it among those who share your chosen ethos.  Thank you.
May you ALL have a Blessed Day.

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