Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An Honest Question about Journalism and WikiLeaks

Alright, readers, usually I am the one giving facts and opinions here on the blog.  But today I need your help. 

You may have read my post, "The Real Danger from WikiLeaks," of 01 DEC 2010.  I condemned those who betrayed their trust by giving up classified information.  I also created some intentional ambiguity by quoting President Lincoln as saying the people should know the facts.  My main point was that we should not allow the government to use the WikiLeaks situation to take away any of our freedom.

As expected, the U.S. government has been aggressively pursuing the WikiLeaks organization and its founder, Julian Assange.  Along the way they have spouted the word "treason" on more than one occasion - which is ridiculous because Assange is not a U.S. citizen or resident.  They have also referred to Assange as an "enemy combatant." 

This worries me greatly.  The Nixon White House used similar tactics to go after Daniel Ellsberg, who acquired and published the embarrassing (and classified) Pentagon Papers in 1971, charging him with conspiracy.  But Judge W.M. Byrne dismissed all charges against Ellsberg, and commented, "The circumstances of this case... offend a sense of justice."

Even the arrogant Nixon administration learned from the experience.  They did not try the same tactic again against any of the reporters who broke stories on the Watergate scandal and cover-up.  Given their rhetoric about WikiLeaks, the current powers in Washington, DC apparently do not see the same moral in the story, or perhaps do not understand the historical precedent. 

Be all that as it may, a commenter on a news website today asked the question that I cannot answer.  Following a CNN story which relied upon "leaked" classified documents, he asked:

"Why is it that when CNN publishes a story based on classified
documents, it's journalism, but when WikiLeaks does the same
thing, it's treason?"

I do not know.  Please... Help me understand.


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