Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wisdom for the Kids/3: Appreciate Beauty

There are a few things that you need to know that your adults may not think to tell you.  They may think these things are obvious, or they may never have learned these things themselves.  Knowing these bits of wisdom will make your life better.  That is why I share them with you.  This is Part Three.  Live well.


Pay attention to the miraculous way the living things around you are built, how they work.

Allow yourself to wonder.  How do seeds know which direction to grow?  How does a newborn calf know to stand up?  Why can horses run so fast?  How can we hear so many sounds at the same time?  How many fish are there in the sea?  Are there others like us out there somewhere in the universe?  Why do fools fall in love?

Practice HOPE.  Hope is unlimited.  Hope is fueled by love.  The more love, the more hope.  Hope is not passive, but very active.

Faith makes everything possible.  Not easy, but possible.  Everything.  See every day and every event through the enlightening prism of faith.

BEAUTY is the essence of life and goodness, Take time to notice and appreciate it in its infinite forms, which are all around you.  See the detail in a leaf, admire the colors of a rainbow, marvel at the way a symphony makes you feel.  Use all your senses.

Imagine new things, every day.  Create them, as often as you are able.  Art is beauty, distilled and on display. 

Appreciate Beauty.  See, hear, or feel beauty in nature, or in art.  Notice the fortuitous beauty all around.  Notice how beautiful is the face or the voice of someone you love.

Beauty has value  and meaning only when we recognize and appreciate it.  So say a prayer of thanksgiving every day for the beauty in your life. 

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