Immature. Ungrateful. Clueless. Just a few of the words that come to mind to describe overgrown adolescents who do not realize that their government is doing what is necessary to fix a bad situation. The protesters do not realize that their nation has become dependent upon the goodwill of the rest of the ‘Euro’ nations to prevent a far worse economic collapse. But in their ignorance, they take to the streets. Instead of helping, instead of simply staying out of the way and letting those in power fix the problem, they incite violence. They have made a bad situation worse because they are either too ignorant to understand, or too immature to deal with reality.
It reminds me of another group of people who misbehave in public, a lot closer to home. You know how foolish you look to the rest of us, “Occupy Wall Street” protesters?
Immature, ungrateful, and clueless still apply. You took a legitimate grievance and turned it into an opportunity to party in the park and spout off at the mouth about things you don’t understand.
Did you hear me? The root cause of your “movement” is legitimate! But you’ve buggered it. You are a crowd of clowns, and I don't mean the funny ones.
Your smug hypocrisy and incoherent proclamations are beginning to irritate the rest of us. You know, those of us who were actually invested in the system, who were betrayed by corporate greed and political treachery?
Oh, I’m sorry. A few of you are not party animals – you are subversives with a secret agenda. You Communists and Anarchists realize, I hope, that when your true motives become as apparent to everyone as they are to some of us with experience in this sort of thing, that all sides are going to turn on you. You realize that, don’t you? Even your party boy pawns in this silly “Occupy” thing – they don’t want to live in a world where they aren’t free to party, Communists. Although they might talk smack about the police today, they will realize they don’t want to live in a world where their pretty little alternative selves are not protected from mean people like you, Anarchists. They’ll come around quickly enough, when the time comes.
So I guess I’m not talking to you hard core Communists and Anarchists. You will either fade away silently (my preference) or be found out for what you are, eventually. No, I am talking to the hippie wannabes.
Party boys: You had a good time at public expense, and got away with it. Okay. Party’s over. Grow up. Quit pretending you’re some sort of hero. We all know you’re pretending because you haven’t done anything in your life to prove you’re a man. You thought this might be a good way to fake it, didn’t you? No dice.
You cannot expect anyone to respect you if you insist on being hedonistic, hypocritical, and self-righteous at the same time. It’s bizarre and ludicrous. No one’s buying it.
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I just can't get past the hypocrisy in this one. You took money from the bank, but now you refuse to pay it back, and you still insist that you are somehow morally superior to the "greedy capitalists"? |
Neither are they believing your outrageous statements. 99% of America is poor? Wake up and smell the Starbucks, Moon Doggie. The establishment is “shaking in their boots”? I hope you don’t really believe that. Get a grip on reality. Your elders and more responsible peers are not shaking in their boots – they’re shaking their heads in disappointment as they avert their eyes in embarrassment for you. Much like I expect your fathers have been doing for some time.
As I said earlier, the problems you cite as your raison d’être (look it up) are indeed real. But you have only distracted the public with your immature antics. You haven’t solved a thing. It’s time to get the heck out of the way and let the big people clean up the mess.
The fact is, you don’t even understand the real problem. Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism is the economic system that created the prosperity you take for granted. Greed and corruption are the problem. Government giving money to businesses is not capitalism, it is corruption. If you really want to make a difference, maybe you should quit biting the hand that has fed you all these years and start thinking about fighting corruption.
I love the honest, hard-working people of Greece. I am upset by the protesters in Greece who are behaving badly even as foreigners step in to salvage their economy.
I love the honest, hard-working people of America. I find validity in grievances against corporations that put profits above people and country. I am disgusted by morons who scream for the end of capitalism and pee on the street and think they are solving the problem.
“Occupy” people, I don’t hate you. I am embarrassed for you. I was young and stupid once too, and I want to end the humiliation you have created for yourselves. So I am telling you all this as an act of compassion. Whether you believe me or not, you don’t have a clue... and 99% of us know it. You are embarrassing yourselves. Go home.
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For those who want to read more, I recommend these three articles as good examples of how intelligent people have responded to the “Occupy” movement.
- From the New York Daily News of September 28th, an article which includes the statement, “This bunch ought to get down on their knees in thanks that America's capitalist Founding Fathers saw fit to protect the privileges of the dumb and obnoxious along with everyone else.”
- From a site called “The Next Great Generation,” an article called “Occupy Wall Street – Gen Y Against It,” a very balanced critique, from a generational perspective that includes some revealing statistics.
- From Fox News of October 3rd, a surprisingly candid look by Dan Gainor at the disconnect between the “whinefest” that is the movement and the issues that underlie it. The article includes the assessment, “The crux of the problem with Occupy Wall Street (is that) It doesn’t distinguish between real problems Americans have and lots of things that reflect poor choices.”
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