Friday, October 28, 2011

Where’s Ron?

I just reviewed the results of CNN/Time polls of Republican presidential candidate preferences.  The polls were conducted within the past week (20-25 October) in the first four primary states (IA, NH, SC, & FL).  One fact leaped out at me. 
In three of the four polls, candidate Ron Paul finished third behind Romney and Cain.  In other words, he finished ahead of Gingrich and Perry in three of four states, and ahead of the remainder of the field in all four states.  Let’s say that again.  Ron Paul outpaced Rick Perry in three of four, and outpaced Michelle Bachmann every time.
Gov. Perry finished no higher than fourth, and Rep. Bachmann no higher than sixth, in any of these early primary states.  And yet every day on all major news outlets we are presented with photos, quotes, and stories centering on candidates Perry and Bachmann.  Rep. Paul, who finished ahead of them in the polls, is nowhere to be found.  If he is mentioned at all, it is as an afterthought.  Why?  Where is the media interest in Rep. Paul?
Could it be that the media are focusing on certain candidates for the wrong reasons?  Could it be that they are attempting to drive (or divert) the agenda?  Could it be that they are focusing on certain candidates because they provide better photo ops?  Could it be that they are focusing on certain candidates because they provide more drama for the media to report?
What you see in the media is what the media chooses to present.  Do not make the mistake of assuming that those who select and frame the news are doing their jobs properly, or with noble motives.  Those in the media are marginalizing Ron Paul for a reason. 
Whether it’s because he’s not as attractive, because they dislike what he has to say, or because he’s less dramatic, it is certain that those in the media are downplaying, dismissing, in some cases blatantly ignoring, serious presidential candidate Ron Paul.
I admire Ron Paul’s libertarian ideals.  He is not my first choice in this election, though.  So why does this bother me?  Because I have the sinking suspicion that we, the American people, are being played.  Because the media are not so much reporting the news as creating it.  Because I sense that the American public is being manipulated for ulterior motives.  Because if an arrogant media can ice out one candidate in favor of another by redirecting our attention, they have wrongly injected themselves into the democratic process, and they have assumed a degree of political influence far beyond what is proper in a free nation.
I have no problem with media presenting opinions (properly identified), writing editorials, or endorsing whomever they please.  Those are proper, traditional, constitutional things for them to do.  When they seek to undermine one candidate by pretending irrelevance, however, they are practicing a subtle form of deception that threatens our democratic electoral process.  Whether their motives are subversive, political, or economic, that is dishonest, undemocratic, and wrong.

1 comment:

  1. You might be interested in a follow-up post on December 5, 2011.



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