Warning: This post is a bit more edgy than you may be used to on the Gryphem blog. The EXTREME nature of recent incidents demands a response. Proceed with caution.
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Introduction: Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog piece in which I called the “Occupy Wall Street” (OWS) protesters immature, ungrateful, and clueless. In a sense, those terms still apply. But over the course of two weeks, the Occupiers have been permitted to disregard law and common decency more and more.
Because leadership has been timid in its response to their criminal activities, the Occupiers have learned to thumb their noses at the law and the public, and have come to expect that there will be no consequences for their behavior. It should be surprising to no one that their behaviors have grown more anti-social and more violent over this period of time.
The OWS movement has begun to morph into something far more insidious. The anarchist philosophy seems to be ascendant, as the movement has transformed itself into a series of mob events that feature escalating orgies of anger, disrespect, and bullying.
Contrary to what you might conclude from mainstream media and pandering politicians, popular support for the movement is not growing, and the “99%” mantra is looking more and more foolish. What is growing is the number of lawbreakers involved in meaningless acts of defiance and intimidation, morally weak people seduced by the thrill of living lawlessly without consequence.
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Have you heard about the criminal violence of any “Occupy Wall Street” mobs recently? If not, you should ask why not.
In Washington, DC last Friday, an angry, vulgar, out-of-control mob attempted to disrupt an orderly gathering of the group “Americans for Prosperity.” They blocked streets, taunted police, chanted profanities, forced their way into the hall in an attempt to disrupt the peaceful conference, and physically assaulted some of those who were attending. They put their ugliness and anti-social behavior on display for all to see.
My first question is, why would they do that? They are certainly not motivated by a desire for ‘fairness’ or ‘equality’ as their political and media apologists say. Seems to me like they were motivated by hate. Or maybe the thrill of breaking the law and intimidating others.
The fact is, under the guise of their own freedom of expression and assembly, the OWS crowd routinely denies those rights to others. In fact, they are becoming quite comfortable in the role of determining who gets to speak (or not) and who gets to move about freely (or not). Demanding compliance from everyone else, they assert their own 'freedom' to break the law with impunity.
The Occupy crowd will tell you they are pursuing some noble goal, but people who seek the moral high ground do not behave like these thugs. Occupy Wall Street is not pursuing any noble cause. Motivated by greed, non-specific rage, and narcissism, the Occupiers are pursuing self-gratification. This may take the form of screaming obscenities at a decent man because he happens to be driving a Mercedes. It may mean preventing ordinary people from getting where they need to go for the simple cruel joy of saying to them, “You aren’t in control here.” It may mean demanding free food from a restaurant, and trashing the place if demands are not met. You get the idea. A bunch of cruel adolescents gone wild.
My second question is, why haven’t the network media given this story the coverage it deserves?
In early 2010 someone at a Tea Party rally (who might not have been affiliated with the Tea Party, anyway) shouted some derogatory words at passers-by. It was headline news for days, even weeks. Subsequently, Tea Party members said that the shouters were not a part of the group, Tea Party leadership explicitly denounced the comments and reaffirmed its opposition to racism, and several minority members of the Tea Party movement spoke up to defend the group and deny any racist agenda. Even so, political opponents used the isolated incident to condemn the Tea Party, branded the whole movement racist, and repeated the story in an attempt to discredit the movement and everyone associated with it. The media cooperated willingly.
Now we have an unruly OWS mob attacking a peaceful gathering. They scream obscenities, they curse at children, they stand shoulder to shoulder to prevent access to the public event, they refuse to follow direction from police, they accuse reporters who are doing nothing but silently videotaping of ‘spinning’ the story, they block a ramp to prevent a woman in a wheelchair from leaving, they knock an elderly woman to the ground and injure her in the process.
Unlike the alleged racists of the Tea Party, these people openly identify themselves as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Unlike the alleged racist incident involving the Tea Party, these events are caught on camera in great detail. Unlike Tea Party gatherings which have been overwhelmingly peaceful and law-abiding, this mob actually threatened law enforcement and physically assaulted citizens.
Where’s the outrage? Where’s the story?
I do not claim to be a Tea Party member myself, although I support the Tea Party objective of fiscal responsibility. But it doesn’t take a partisan perspective to see the double standard in play here, by media and public officials alike. The Tea Party has been demonized routinely for the slightest unproven politically incorrect comments. This violent mob is largely overlooked, given a pass, excused for their criminal behavior if not explicitly then at least by omission from the headlines.
Let’s get this myth out of the way right now. The Occupy movement is NOT just a left-wing Tea Party. Regardless of political persuasion, any rational person will admit that the behaviors of the Tea Party and the Occupiers are as different as night and day. And the difference is not flattering to OWS or its supporters.
They brought anarchy to the streets of the nation’s capital, attempted to deny the rights of assembly and free speech to those with whom they disagreed, screamed obscenities at passers-by, and assaulted innocent children and elderly ladies.
Friday night in Washington was only one instance of the growing militancy of the Occupy movement. Oakland has been traumatized for more than a week now, as rioters forced a shutdown of the port and set fires in the streets more than once. Occupiers in San Diego rioted, destroyed the carts of street vendors, and made death threats because the vendors refused to give them free food. Sexual assaults have been reported in OWS camps in Dallas, Cleveland, and New York. Criminal assaults have been reported in nearly every OWS camp, and vandalism seems to be a popular hobby. If Occupy Wall Street ever did have any claim to legitimacy, that legitimacy vanished when the movement turned destructive and unleashed an incipient culture of violence in the streets of American cities.
I am astonished that anyone with a shred of decency or respectability would offer support to this angry, undisciplined, treasonous movement whose goals appear to be mob rule and the destruction of American society.
The Occupiers are criminals who seek to satisfy their greed and envy by taking or destroying the property of others. They vent their antisocial tendencies by bullying the innocent and their feelings of insignificance and impotence by shouting down anyone who has an opinion that differs from their own. Their behavior is vile and their hypocrisy, flagrant.
Do not underestimate the power of an angry mob. You want historical context? Read about the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution. Don’t misunderstand this to imply that the Occupiers have that kind of power, because they don’t. The comparison is meant to shed light on their potential for violence and their immorality, not their power. The Occupy Wall Street crowd is too small, with too many self-contradicting demands, self-destructive behaviors, and competing egos involved to take over anything significant. But in isolated times and places - such as downtown Washington, DC last Friday night - they can inflict a great deal of pain and damage on those they hate… or anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Perhaps a better analogy would be the pogroms of medieval Europe. Study them to see what an irrational mob filled with hatred is capable of doing. Because if OWS is not stopped by us, the American people who believe in freedom and rule of law, then a pogrom is inevitable. It may or may not be directed at Jews, as the pogroms of medieval Europe were. Maybe it will be directed at anyone who has a job. Maybe it will be directed at anyone who does not join in the rioting. Maybe it will be directed at anyone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time, driving the wrong car or wearing the wrong clothing. However the details shape up, if we do nothing an OWS pogrom will happen and it will be destructive and deadly.
Be wary of OWS, work to stop them, but do not fear them, because they have no chance of succeeding. They are incoherent, disorganized, uncooperative amongst themselves, and out of touch with American history, American values, and the American people. They are, however, capable of hurting a great many people in the process of throwing their infantile mass tantrums in the streets. Fortunately, more and more Americans are beginning to notice their bad behavior, and are beginning to realize the danger of endorsing, validating, or ignoring their mob mentality.
New advice to the decent people of the United States: Disavow, then disempower this petty movement toward tyranny, which pretends to care about fairness and individual rights but is in reality an incoherent movement that cares nothing about anything except the rage of the moment, a meaningless mass attempt to gratify the baser urges of an undisciplined, envious, and pathological mob.
New advice to the OWS mob participants: You have crossed the line from nuisance to hazard. The American people are not going to stand by and allow you to brutalize our fellow citizens. Lest you have any delusions of grandeur, let me assure you… this is not “Rebel Without a Cause” and you are not James Dean. So don’t flatter yourselves. To those of you who advocate violence as a means to achieve your self-indulgent goals, a warning: Do not think that you will be able to use violence indiscriminately or without consequence. That’s not how we do things here in the United States. Once more I advise you to Go Home – while that is still an option for you.
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Tyranny from a mob here at home is no less tyranny than despotism imposed from a foreign power. |
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The organization which was attacked last Friday, Americans for Prosperity, has made available several videos of the “Occupy” mob at work. I cannot recommend them for children because they are angry, antisocial, and filled with profanity. I urge adults who doubt the ugly truth about the “Occupy” movement, who want to understand what this group looks like on the street, to view one or more of these videos at http://americansforprosperity.org/110811-videos-violent-occupy-protesters-attacking-defending-american-dream-summit?tr=y&auid=9827543.
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